Bulu Perindu, also known as the "Root of Longing" or "Love Root" is known to be one of the most mystical roots and a powerful attraction tool in Indonesia and Malaysia because of its mysterious ability to move by its own when touches water ; and when placed together as a pair (male + female) it will naturally draw itself and twirl around each other. Because of this strange phenomenon, Bulu Perindu is widely believed amongst the shamanic community to possess high elemental energy associated with the power of attraction, magnetism, and fascination hence being used often to create "Attraction Oils".
Bulu Perindu is very rare and can only be obtained by a highly skilled shaman deep in the mountains of Kalimantan. This root has always been the number 1 choice for "bomohs" when it comes to creating love charms and attraction oils because of the magical properties of attraction and magnetism that assist the user with personal charisma, appear more attractive, opposite sex attraction and can also help to awaken your sexual appeal and enhance your beauty or aura in a natural way when applied onto key points of the face. This will make others who look at you find you more appealing and attractive. The term "Perindu" littery translates to "To miss" or "Longing For", backed by popular beliefs that by using Bulu Perindu, it will help create a long lasting and unforgettable presence to those who interact with you especially someone of the opposite sex. In the case for those who may use it to find a love partner, this may allow the other party to keep thinking of you and "miss" you, naturally making the person's feeling grow fonder towards you over time. For those who are using it for courtship, bulu perindu can help create loving chemistry between you and the desired person or make your partner more faithful and loving towards you.
Note that this Takrut consist of a few powerful Attraction Occult ingredients combined together. It consists of.. 1) Male & Female Bulu Perindu Love Root of Longing. More info about this powerful ingredient can be seen in my listing. Known to be one of the most potent attraction tool of Indon Magik. 2) Rajah Akar Cenuai Gunong Ledang. Cenuai is a also known as the King of Charm Root. Cenuai urself is very powerful for making Minyak Pengasih but the most rarest of all is the one from Gunong Ledang. 3) Wahn Sao Long Love Herb - “Herb that intimate ladies” .. yes this is literally what the Thai people call it. You may do your research about this powerful Thai Occult ingredient. 4) Oil extract from Wahn Gai Daeng and 108 Charm Herb oil extract mixed with 24k pure gold leaves. 5) Rajah Kijang Yantra with inscriptions for Pelet / Love Binding and Attraction. Please note that this is the Takrut version of my Hardcore Attraction Bulu Perindu, meant to be carried around as a form of Attraction and Charm. Note that this does not help for Pelet Jarak Jauh / Remote Attraction because it does not contain the special yantra that my oil version has for that particular purpose. Hence, this is just to boost your charm and attractiveness as well as popularity and attraction towards the opposite sex. This Takrut is believed to bestow it’s wearer with the following magical properties and benefits.. - Greatly boost Attractiveness, Sex Appeal, Magnetism and Attraction towards the opposite sex. - Create a long lasting impression and fascination towards those who interact with you. As the name Bulu Perindu means “To Miss” or “Longing For” - Be deeply mesmerised by those who look at you and talk to you. - Increase popularity, fame and social status - Appear Attractive with a vibrant aura (chaya) towards others. - Greatly strenghten bond in a love relationship or marriage, ensuring your love one is always loyal and faithful towards you and dissolve disharmony. - Love Binding and be able to make a person whom you are trying to attract fascinated by you and have a strong feeling towards you. - Success with any negotiations as well as doing business, sales, proposals, asking for help etc. - Gain sympathy and loving kindness from everyone around easily. - Helps with business and sales negotiations, giving you the upper hand to close deals and gain trust or good repo among your trade. - Possess a strong sense of self confident and high in self esteem with positive aura and dispel negative energies or evil influences. - Spice up your love life and build that “spark” in between couples. Suitable for those who feel that their gf/bf don’t love them anymore. - Suitable to help those who suspect that their partner is having extra martial affairs and not faithful. - Suitable for those who feel that you cannot get along with others at work, in family, in laws and among social life. - Suitable for those who are always getting disagreed upon and others not open to your suggestions or opinion. - Suitable for those who have an unpleasant environment at work among co-workers or superior. - Suitable for those who have alot of “Xiao Ren” or backstabbers issue. - Suitable for those who wants to develop higher social standing and gain popularity over others. Be respected and well liked by people around - Suitable for those who are going through divorce , separation or break ups. Many more. Words can not justify what it can help with but with my tons of solid feedbacks from customers who have tried my oil version and older batch of this Takrut version, I highly recommend. This enchanted Bulu Perindu oil is a powerful attraction tool, which is very easy to use without much restrictions to follow. However, I only advice that one should not misuse this item for ill intentions and if I know you are, I will be morally inclined not to sell you. It can also be used to make others sympathize with you OR fall in love with you when they look at you, all you need to do is visualize what effect you want before wearing it. So this is Suitable for those who wish to improve their love life , mend broken relationship and be better at their career or business. NOTE AGAIN : This does not help with Remote Attraction. Only my oil version.