POWERFUL Datuk Panglima Harimau Takrut Tambang Lereng - ONE OF A KIND : Known for Wealth Fetching, Protection, Windfall luck, Authority - Azimat TAKRUT amulet Pusaka Natuk Kong : #dukun #pusaka khodam #kejawen amulet takrut mustika
Tambang Lereng Hikma Datok Panglima Harimau
Takrut Datok Kong
Known for Wish Granting, Wealth Fetching, Increasing Fortune (Rezeki), Protection, Windfall Luck & Many More.
More Information
Datok Kong/Natuk Kong, also known as Earth Spirit or Dewa Bhumi refers to a local guardian spirit in Asian Folkore. Datok Worship is very common in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. In Indonesia, they are referred to as Datuk Panglima. Panglima Means “Commander”. They are known to bless their worshippers with Wealth, Good Health, Good Fortune, Protection
This special Tambang Lereng Takrut is made and empowered by our Dukun with the image of Datok Panglima Harimau (3rd Datuk) and also the most powerful one. He is depicted sitting on a Tiger, holding a Keris, which signifies its Islamic Origin and a Traditional Weapon meant to ward off evil, while holding onto gold ingots which signifies blessing its devotee with good fortune and wealth.
Sacred Mantras/Yantras are also inscribed around, to each have its own meaning and purpose such as for Wealth, Protection, Windfall etc. The yantra/images and Datuk were then empowered/activated/awaken by our Dukun through ritual and Tenaga Batin. Special rituals and elaborate offerings are required to invite the spirit of Datok Panglima to come and energise and empower the takruts. It has do be done on an auspicious day and fasting/cleansing is required.
The takrut itself contains many holy items such as Soils from 7 Different Holy Land (to pay tribute to Datok, the Earth Guardian), Soil from 7 Makan/Keramat or Holy Shrines, Various Sacred & Holy Herbs, 7 Type of Dried Flowers, Betel Nuts + Leaves, Cigar ashes from 7 Datok Kong Shrines (used as offerings), kemenyan from 7 Datok Kong Shrine and 7 Types of Holy Wood Shavings (Teras Bertam, Raja Kayu, Teras Kelor, Teras Gemungal, Kayu Malam, Kayu Menang & Kemuning Hitam)
We also added a piece of our King Centipede Pearl/Mustika Lipan known for Strong Wealth Fetching & Luck, to further amplify its properties. No further explanations needed for our Centipede Pearls, simply check out our testimonials in the link below.
In Datuk Kong culture, there are 9 type of Datuk that works like a hierarchy who are the Commander (Panglima) of each directions/locations (North, South, East, West etc)
1) Datuk Panglima Ali (Ali)
2) Datuk Panglima Hitam (Black)
3) Datuk Panglima Harimau (Tiger) **THIS TAKRUT**
4. Datuk Panglima Hijau (Green)
5. Datuk Panglima Putih (White)
6. Datuk Panglima Kuning (Yellow)
7. Datuk Panglima Bisu (Mute)
8. Datuk Panglima Merah (Red)
9. Datuk Panglima Bongsu (Youngest)
Datok Panglima Harimau is said to be the fiercest, most powerful but at the same time, the kindest among all who is known to often fulfill his devotees wishes without hesitation. When mediums invite Datok Panglima Harimau, many would often be scared due to his aggressive and fierce nature. He would often scold devotees for their wrong-doing, but help them at the same time. It is is believed that he is the one who can cure black magic, chase away evil spirits he is known to give accurate lucky number or bless the devotee with wealth in terms of their business and career to be successful.
Properties it is believed for..
1) This takrut is known to Increase one’s Luck, Wealth Fetching, Increasing Fortune (Rezeki) and help with Business, Commerce, Sales, Attracting Customers and bring Immense Luck to its wearer.
2) This Takrut is also believed to protect its owner from physical danger, avoiding trouble/accidents, Protect against “Xiao Ren” and Small People
3) This Takrut is known to protect the wearer from all kind of Negative Energies, Black Magic, Evil Spirits, Evil Eyes, Jealousy etc.
4) If one has fate/affinity with the Takrut, Receiving Unexpected Windfall is a huge possibility as well but factors includes the wearer’s Karma/Merits do plays a part too. It could come through dream or intuition
5) One could also request for help or ask for wishes from the Takrut but offerings are required for this and If you make a promise, you are required to fulfil once your wish is granted.
6) You may also request for it to be not rolled in takrut, just the Yantra alone and it can be kept and worshiped at home or in shop/office. Placing it in a place of business is believed to increase the owner's rezeki, income flow, attract customers etc and placing at home is known to protect the house and all occupant from negative energies, spirits and black magic etc at the same time, promote harmony, happiness and prosperity.
Datok Panglima Harimau is said to be the guardian of all worldly treasures and gold, hence his images/statues are often depicted as sitting on Gold Ingots and giving them which signifies sharing with his devotees. Datok Panglima Harimau is also known to protect the wearer’s WEALTH and FORTUNE, protect it from Competitors. Jealous people and envious people who wish to take it away from you. Your Wealth can also represent your career, position, business and assets. Hence why Businessman loves to pray to Datok Harimau, some even keep a statue of him in their shop. At the same time, this takrut is also believed to bestow great wealth to the wearer, luck, fortune. It is known to attract wealth from 8 directions. It may come through Unexpected Windfall, Investments, Business, Opportunities and Good People. This takrut is known to protect the wearer from XIAO REN/JEALOUS small people who wish to do harm to their career and business.
This takrut is also believed to serve as a guardian to its owner, which may guide the owner to make correct decisions and open new roads to good opportunities and help/protect the wearer along the way if one is sincere enough. Imagine a grandfatherly figure (from a spiritual realm) being your guardian and protector.
There are no restrictions for wearing this takrut
- One should keep with respect
- One should not perform sexual activity while wearing it
- Eating Pork is fine, no restriction on that
- One should always perform good deeds/donation/charity in order to gain more blessings from Datok Panglima
THIS HAS NO PANTANG. Unlike STATUE/IDOLS that has many restrictions, this is simply a Tambang Lereng azimat with the ESSENCE and Energy Batin of the Natuk Panglima Harimau. Although it is said that wherever it is kept, one can call the Datok or he would visit the property occasionally to ensure that his devotees is ok.
More info on Datok Panglima Harimau
Unlike other Datok Panglima, Datuk Harimau loves Black Coffee, Mutton, Raw Meat (for his tiger guardian) and Betel Nuts + Leaves. You dont have to do any offering for this Takrut, but if you want its better. Unlike other Datoks who are more calm, but extremely strict with religion, Datuk Panglima is more flexible and does not have any restrictions as long one’s heart is clean and sincere. Hence the reason why he is always worshipped by Chinese businessman, bandits and people in Malaysia and Indonesia.
A common misconception held by most Malaysians is that the Datuk Gong is just another regular Chinese deity. In fact, most Datuks are Malay-Muslim spirits. There are also Chinese, Indian, Siamese and even Orang Asli Datuks present and they are all considered independent from the Chinese pantheon of gods. The function and position of the Datuk varies across communities but his position as the spirit of the land remains the backbone of the belief. In most Chinese temples, the Datuk is almost always outside of the main building, either on a small altar of his own or a small shrine on the ground. Only in temples dedicated solely to the spirit will the idol or tablet be placed at the main altar.