Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Powerful Charm & Attraction Love Root Bulu Perindu Locket

Powerful Charm & Attraction Love Root Bulu Perindu Locket
Powerful Attraction / Charm / Popularity "Bulu Perindu" Love Root of Longing

Locket version of my best selling Bulu Perindu "Love Root of Longing", take a look at my feedbacks / testimonials for the OIL version. In this locket are the same ingredients. Simply meant to be carried around instead of applying for convenience and long lasting Attraction Power.

View Testimonial HERE!

Special batch made by my master containing Bulu Perindu together with other sacred and powerful items such as Wahn Dork Thong (Golden Flower of Love) , Akar Cenuai (Enchanting Love Root) and oil extract from 7 different charm herbs. Strongly consecrated for 49 nights. Simply meant to be carried around and worn for strong attraction towards opposite sex, popularity, interpersonal relationship and aura.

Bulu Perindu, also known as the "Root of Longing" or "Love Root" is known to be one of the most mystical root and a powerful attraction tool in Indonesia and Malaysia because of its mysterious ability to move by its own when touches water ; and when placed together as a pair (male + female) it will naturally draws itself and twirl around each other. Because of this strange phenomenon, Bulu Perindu is widely believed amongst the shamanic community to possess a high elemental energy associated with the power of attraction, magnetism and fascination hence being used often to create "Attraction Oils". Take a look at this video demonstrating the power of Bulu Perindu ; male and female moving towards eachother on its own. This is the reason why its called Root of Longing https://www.facebook.com/PhraInc/videos/763045124098726/ Bulu Perindu is very rare and can only be obtained by a highly skilled shaman deep in the mountains of Kalimantan. This root has always been the number 1 choice for "bomohs" when it comes to creating love charms and attraction oils because of the magical properties of attraction and magnetism that assist the user with personal charisma, appear more attractive, opposite sex attraction and can also help to awaken your sexual appeal and enhance your beauty or aura in a natural way when applied onto key points of the face. This will make others who look at you find you more appealing and attractive. The term "Perindu" littery translates to "To miss" or "Longing For", backed by popular beliefs that by using Bulu Perindu, it will help create a long lasting and unforgettable presence to those who interact with you especially someone of the opposite sex. In the case for those who may use it to find a love partner, this may allow the other party to keep thinking of you and "miss" you, naturally making the person's feeling grow fonder towards you overtime. For those who are using it for courtship, bulu perindu can help create a loving chemistry between you and the desired person. NOTE THAT THIS LOCKET DOES NOT HELP WITH REMOTE ATTRACTION OR RECONCILIATION. ITS ONLY MEANT FOR GENERAL ATTRACTION FACE TO FACE, FOR REMOTE ATTRACTION / RECONCILE PLEASE CHECK OUT THE OIL VERSION AS THERE IS A SPECIAL YANTRA INSIDE SPECIALLY MEANT TO HELP WITH THAT. In General, this LOCKET may help to strengthen existing relationship between BGF / Marriage as well as enhance your social skill, boost your confidence and self esteem level in every day life at work.It may also help you to gain popularity and be admired or well liked by everyone around. Thius may also give you a upper hand advantage when dealing with clients, doing sales and business negotiations as it allows you to gain trust, good impression and make your client be more responsive towards your suggestions. Bulu Perindu has been used throughout centuries by normal laymen but first became popular among singers who would place the root in their mouth when they sing in order to gain popularity among their audience as their fans will always miss their voice and long for their music hence end up buying their album. Until today, Bulu Perindu has been widely used and sought after by normal people who believe in its ability and power. Magical beliefs of Bulu Perindu • Amazingly powerful enchanting presence. • Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex • Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness • Create a lasting unforgettable experience in the minds of those who you interact with and make your targeted person miss your presence. • Possess a high level of charming aura and popularity among others. • Remote Attraction through chanting mantra • Able to be well liked and admired by everyone easily • Gain high level of popularity & fame • Easily gain favours and sympathy from others • Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking • Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you • Make others listen to you and do as you say • Winning in any Negotiations • Able to attract customers / clients and easily close deals • Possess a strong sense of self confident and high in self esteem • Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition Many more. --------------------------------------------------------------- This oil is 100% natural. Hidden elemental energies of the Bulu Perindu together with the other sacred ingredients gives the oil its power. This oil does not contain any spirit or entities that will assist. All the information shared about are based on my personal knowledge, research and experience. Those information are written by myself. BEWARE of "copy paste scholars" copying my information for their duplicated versions of similar product. If you are going to copy my info because you dont have the knowledge, Please have the courtesy to credit me as the source as i have invested alot of time and energy into writing it for others to understand. In no way that it is suggesting anyone to believe in its existence. PM only when confident.