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Showing posts sorted by date for query dayak. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, June 7, 2021

Minyak Pengasih Panglima *Powerful Dayak Attraction Oil* High Level : Special Batch of Minyak Ghoib Believed to Bestow all Properties in terms of Attraction, Authority, Dominance, Protection, Spiritual Cleansing & Many More.

 Minyak Pengasih Panglima *Powerful Dayak Attraction Oil* High Level : Special Batch of Minyak Ghoib Believed to Bestow all Properties in terms of Attraction, Authority, Dominance, Protection, Spiritual Cleansing & Many More.

Introducing a very special Minyak Pengasih that is made and strongly empowered using the ancient "Dayak" method from East Java. Those who are spiritual and into occult will know that Dayak Shaman has a reputation of creating some of the most powerful charms especially for love and often Dukuns would seek their help to create spiritual items. This oil is made using a combination of some of the most powerful occult ingredients that my Guru has obtained through his source directly from the Dayak tribe. These ingredients have already been ritualized by the Dayaks and my Guru creates this oil following his own empowerment method as well. This oil could be used in various ways not only in terms of love and courtship but it can also be used for business and social purposes. It is highly recommended to apply this oil daily as it will settle into your aura and naturally boost your personal magnetism energies (aura pemikat) This oil is ideal for wearing when you go to work, socialize, attending meetings, doing sales, a romantic date,s or for business purposes. This oil is believed to be consecrated for the purpose of attracting wealth, money, unexpected windfall, and business success. One of the main ingredient this oil is Dayak Empowered Bamboo Perindu and its oil extract. In the Kalimantan Jungles there is a species of Bamboo tree known as Bamboo Perindu. Its root is known to have high elemental energies associated with the power of attraction, magnetism and fascination. The Dayak Tribes of Kalimantan use this rare magical oil from the tree to create powerful love charms for attracting the opposite sex. It is believed to help waken sexual desires towards you in a natural way and those who affected by the oil is said to find you sexually appealing and attractive. It is believed that if a person stay close to the user of this oil long enough, they will always feel like want to be with the user all the time. Applying this oil daily is also believed to perceive healing powers, increase spiritual strength, enlighten and greatly boost one's well-being spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. This oil can also be applied prior or during business negotiations, important meetings or when making sales proposals. Alternatively, it could also be applied onto cash registers or safe boxes to attract money as this oil is believed to draw wealth from all directions, sources, improves luck and help manifest one's financial goals and desires. If one's intention is to use this oil for Money Attraction, these are the following properties it is believed for. • Attracts new customers and increases sales to business owners • Attracts wealth and prosperity to all • Stabilises ones financial future • Guarantees successful business negotiations • Increases sources of operating capital for your business • Helps to secure loans or other sources of financing • Helps with removing debts many more.. For those who wishes to use this oil for Attraction and Love, these are the following properties it is believed for.. - This oil is believed to attract and draw upon the attention of the opposite sex or it may also be directed to any specific person the user desires simply by touching the oil onto the target. - This oil is believed to help the user in the intiial stage of a relationship eg. dating and courtship. Likewise, the oil is also said to help one stabilise their relationship or marriage. - This oil can also be directed to one's compation to preven adulterous affairs and stabilize harmony within the relationship. if your spouse is cheating, he or she has the potential of returning back to you, without disagreement. One of the powers of this oil is known as Ilmu Maha Tembus, an adebt magical art of Pengasih that when incorporated into an oil through ritual could make the oil very powerful. Hence applying this oil is believed to increase the user's sex appeal profoundly, making the user extremely desirable to the opposite sex as well as help soften the heart of one who may have rebuked you or subdue a stubborn person. Another great property of this oil is known as Ilmu Penunduk, when incorporated into the oil through ritual, believed to bestow its user with great power of authority, dominance, and powerful aura that automatically demands respect from others and feared by enemies. More could be said about this oil but it is encouraging that you should try and experience it yourself. If our product does not do as what it is described, we will not have nearly 1k positive reviews with many returning customers and long time supporters.

Friday, September 6, 2019



Minyak Raja Pengasih Bulu Perindu 
King of all Attraction Oils 

Best Selling Minyak Pengasih "Love Attraction Oil" with tons of positive feedbacks. Some are shared via text, most are written openly among by 500+ Positive Review on my CAROUSELL 

This batch is known as Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu NAGA EMAS , Sengat Pemikat (Sting of Love) , made and empowered using the highest Ilmu of Khodam Naga Emas of Javanese Magic. Naga Emas is considered to be the most highest form of Love Charm in Occult sense and it requires a high level of knowledge to create this.

Well many may ask me , if my $188 version powerful enough already why need this batch? Answer is, this is for people who understands the significance of each and every ingredients that are used for this oil to make it extremely powerful in terms of attraction. If you are just looking for “effects” , then the $188 version is good enough. But if you are looking to own the best of the best in terms of every detail, then this is the one.

Made and strongly blessed for 49 days at 3 different nature location. Made using not one but a few different combination of some of the most POWERFUL Attraction Ingredients combined together, hence the name "Hardcore"

Apart from usual ingredient (listed below), additional ingredients were added to further enhance and amplify its attraction and magnetism Properties.. - 7 Pair of male + female Bulu Perindu Keramat, Dayak Empowered - Akar Cenuai King of Charm Roots (Rare) - Buluh Chendrawasih (Birds of Paradise Feathers) for strong aura and charisma - Holy ash from Moses Mountain (Nabi Musa) Mt. Sinai - Sacred Dugong Tears / Air Mata Duyong / Mermaid Tears - Rambut Bunian (Elves root obtained through special rituals) - 24k Pure Gold Flakes (Serbuk Emas) for vibrant aura and charm - Mani Gajah Lampung for charisma, authority & strong pheromone - Oil extract from 7 different flowers and 9 different sacred herbs. - hand written Takrut with Javanese pelet mantra - (EXTRA) Kulit Rajah Kijang Putih , Minyak Naga Emas Oil extract , Akar Cenuai Emas, Minyak Zaffron Merah, Minyak Pemaisuri Malam, Oil extract from BAMBOO PERINDU, Dayak Empowered enchantment love Root oil and many other ingredients that cannot be named. This batch took my master nearly a year to create as it takes a lot of time to source out for the ingredients needed. Please read further for more information and properties of what this oil does.

INTRODUCTION Bulu Perindu, also known as the "Root of Longing" or "Love Root" is known to be one of the most mystical roots and a powerful attraction tool in Indonesia and Malaysia because of its mysterious ability to move by its own when touches water ; and when placed together as a pair (male + female) it will naturally draw itself and twirl around each other. Because of this strange phenomenon, Bulu Perindu is widely believed amongst the shamanic community to possess high elemental energy associated with the power of attraction, magnetism, and fascination hence being used often to create "Attraction Oils". Take a look at this video demonstrating the power of Bulu Perindu; male and female moving towards each other on its own. This is the reason why its called Root of Longing Bulu Perindu is very rare and can only be obtained by a highly skilled shaman deep in the mountains of Kalimantan. This root has always been the number 1 choice for "bomohs" when it comes to creating love charms and attraction oils because of the magical properties of attraction and magnetism that assist the user with personal charisma, appear more attractive, opposite sex attraction and can also help to awaken your sexual appeal and enhance your beauty or aura in a natural way when applied onto key points of the face. This will make others who look at you find you more appealing and attractive. The term "Perindu" littery translates to "To miss" or "Longing For", backed by popular beliefs that by using Bulu Perindu, it will help create a long lasting and unforgettable presence to those who interact with you especially someone of the opposite sex. In the case for those who may use it to find a love partner, this may allow the other party to keep thinking of you and "miss" you, naturally making the person's feeling grow fonder towards you over time. For those who are using it for courtship, bulu perindu can help create loving chemistry between you and the desired person or make your partner more faithful and loving towards you. You may also use it to attract/enchant the desired person simply by smearing the oil onto that target through touch or handshake. This method is believed to make the affected party keep thinking if you all the time, MISS “rindu” you and always feel eager to be with you. This same method can also be used towards clients/customers when about to discuss business or doing sales to make the person who positive towards your promotion and proposal. There is also a special method to remotely / telepathically attract a desired person or ex-lover though recitation / photograph that you may request to be taught upon purchase. In General, this Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu may help with love attraction, strengthen existing relationship between BGF / Marriage by making your partner more faithful and attached to you. For individual use, it may help to enhance your social skill, boost your confidence and self esteem level in everyday life at work. It may also help you to gain popularity and be admired or well liked by everyone around. Bulu Perindu Oil may also give you an upper hand advantage when dealing with clients, doing sales and business negotiations as it allows you to gain trust, good impression and make your client be more responsive towards your suggestions. Bulu Perindu has been used throughout centuries by normal laymen but first became popular among singers who would place the root in their mouth when they sing in order to gain popularity among their audience as their fans will always miss their voice and long for their music hence end up buying their album. Until today, Bulu Perindu has been widely used and sought after by normal people who believe in its ability and power. One can use this oil for any purpose, simply just visualize (niat) the effect you want before applying and it will naturally work according to your intentions. It is highly recommended to apply the oil daily as the energies in the oil will settle in your aura and boost your personal magnetism so even when you don't apply the oil, its energy will still be with your aura and you will get some of its effects still. Magical beliefs of Bulu Perindu • Amazingly powerful enchanting presence. • Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex • Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness • Create a lasting unforgettable experience in the minds of those who you interact with and make your targeted person miss your presence. • Improves Relationship / Marriage , dissolve disharmoy, strengthen bond, promotes higher love chemistry and make your partner more faithful towards you. • Possess a high level of charming aura and popularity among others. • Remote Attraction through chanting mantra • Able to be well liked and admired by everyone easily • Gain a high level of popularity & fame • Easily gain favors and sympathy from others • Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking • Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you • Make others listen to you and do as you say • Winning in any Negotiations • Able to attract customers/clients and easily close deals • Possess a strong sense of self-confident and high in self-esteem • Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition Many more. --------------------------------------------------------------- This oil is 100% natural. Hidden elemental energies of the Bulu Perindu together with the other sacred ingredients gives the oil its power. This oil does not contain any spirit or entities that will assist. The stories surrounding this love-grass are intriguing, to say the least. Once a person using this oil dabs/transfers it by means of touch/handshake etc to another person, that person will be charmed/fascinated by the user. There, of course, have been cases of misuse but it is so below the radar that many spiritual masters/experts cannot even detect the use of this item to charm another. The love-grass has unique qualities as when it is immersed in water it begins to turn clockwise or wriggle. When exposed to incense smoke it moves. For those who are sensitive enough they will be able to see a greenish white aura that is released by this oil when placed on the eyebrow. Proper method of usage will be taught upon purchase. Will personally deliver to you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Bulu Perindu | Love Oil

Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu Maharaj "Love Root of Longing" King Of Attraction Oil 

Sharing some Amazing Testimonials submitted by my customers who have successfully managed to Salvage Their Broken RelationshipMend Their RelationshipReconcile with Ex Lover Overall Improvements with their love life or marriage  after using my Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu Oil 

Note : This oil is made using 100% Pure Natural Ingredients, Blessed & Empowered following proper holy method. No Spirits Involved.

What is Remote Attraction? : This method is known as "Pelet Jarak Jauh". Pelet means "To charm" and Jarak Jauh means "long distance". This method is what most people would pay few hundred to thousands of dollars for a master or bomoh to perform such rituals. With this oil, you could do it yourself through simple steps and it only requires the target's photograph. As Minyak Pengasih generally works best by transferring the oil onto the target through touch, this remote method is meant to help those who do not get to meet the target in order to do so (after separation). This method is believed to make the other party keep thinking of you, miss you, feel eager to be with you and long for you, thus potentially giving you a chance to work things out or reconcile. This method have been shown to be highly effective for helping with mending broken relationships and reconciliation. This method should not be misused with any ill intentions.

Note that you are NOT PAYING for this Remote Attraction Method. You are purchasing the oil itself which works the way its suppose to in general. This Remote Attraction Method is just an extra step that i share with my customers based on what i was taught to help those who are facing such issues. This method will only work with my own Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu as the instructions were given by its maker (dukun). As i am merely sharing, i am not responsible for anything else other than to teach how to use. 

This is shown to have very High Success Rate 
As long as one follows through the instruction properly and given the circumstances / intentions are right. 

These are just SOME, not all of the Love  feedback I received from my customers. Many are written openly by my customers within my 700+ Positive Review on Carousell. Many also choose to be private about their personal life. Testimonials are for sharing purpose only and not meant to be indicative of what you may experience.

Solid testimonial from a sis who bought our Love Oil, saw huge improvements with her husband behaviour towards her almost immediately after using! All the best!
Testimonial from a bro for our Kamdev Bulu Perindu Oil who saw almost instant results while trying to reconcile with his ex. Happy for you!

Amazing review from a sis who who shared with us the effect of our Bulu Perindu Love Attraction Oil!
Testimonial from a friendly sis who manage to improve her marriage after inviting our Bulu Perindu Oil

Sharing a very recent testimonial we received from a nice bro after inviting our Kamdev Vashikaran Hardcore Love Attraction Bulu Perindu Oil, manage to see improvements with his partner. Happy for you :)
Sharing yet another recent testimonial from a bro who invited our Kamdev Vashikaran Hardcore Love Attraction Bulu Perindu Oil. Saw improvements with the girl he is courting. Congrats!

Testimonial from a bro who invited our Bulu Perindu Oil. Slowly but surely, improvements can be seen!
Another amazing testimonial and successful reconciliation From our Bulu Perindu Oil

Bulu Perindu Love Oil Testimonial from a bro who experienced great results after using it. Happy for you bro!
Bulu Perindu oil Testimonial from a bro who bought it right before attending an important meeting. Saw immediate results!

Testimonial from a bro who invited our Bulu Perindu Oil. Slowly but surely, improvements can be seen!
Sharing another amazing testimonial from a sis who invited our Kamdev Vashikaran Love Attraction Bulu Perindu Oil in a hope to improve her current relationship.

Another successful Salvage Relationship Testimonial from a friendly bro who invited our Kamdev Love Oil. Happy for you!
Another solid review from a sis who used our Bulu Perindu Love Oil (Kamdev Version) and noticed how powerful it was when using towards her partner!

Testimonial from a bro who invited our Bulu Perindu Love Oil and tried Remote Attraction Method, got unblocked on Whatsapp. Congrats!
Amazing testimonial from a bro who invited our Bulu Perindu Love Oil, noticed huge difference at work with his female boss. Happy for you!

Testimonial from a regular Carousell customer of ours who have bought many oils as she noticed immense changes with her husband's attention towards her!
Another amazing testimonial from a sis who tried our Kamdev Love Bulu Perindu Oil. The way it is suppose to work

Testimonial from a steady bro who won a court case after using our oil
Amazing testimonial from a sis who succesfully manage to attract her ex lover back and salvage their broken relationship after inviting our Kamdev Bulu Perindu Love Oil

Amazing Testimonial for our Bulu Perindu Love Oil from a sis who manage to get her partner to reciprocate more
Amazing testimonial from a sis who invited our Bulu Perindu Kamdev Vashikaran Love Oil and getting more affection from her partner!

Testimonial from a friendly sis who tried our Love Attraction Oil, noticed getting more attention in public. Happy for you!
Testimonial from a bro who tried our Bulu Perindu Oil, Kamdev Vashikaran version and notice changes with the way his partner is treating him, became more loving & receptive. Happy for you congrats!

Another testimonial and huge improvements after inviting my Minyak Bulu Perindu Maharaj, seen greast improvements with his partner and getting more attention!
Testimonial from a bro who tried "Remote attraction" Method after getting my Minyak Pengasih and seen great improvements. Partner became more closer and fonder towards him

Testimonial for Minyak Pengasih Maharaj from a friendly sis from boyfriend not giving her attention to becoming super clingy. Happy for you sis :)

Testimonial from a friendly bro who was having issues with her girlfriend. After using my Minyak Pengasih, things improve drastically and girlfriend totally change. Happy for you brother!
Testimonial from a lesbian sis who have seen improvements with her partner after break up just few days after using my oil and remote attraction. Slight improvements but getting there
Testimonial from a sis who got my Minyak Pengasih for her Career & Work seen huge improvements after using it. Happy for you!!

Simple testimonial from a happy customer who seen improvements with their relationship after using my love oil :)
"Complain" from a friendly sis after using my oil suddenly getting too much attention from her husband. Good or bad? You decide :P

Testimonial from a friendly bro who manage to attract the girl that he like. Congrats and happy for you :) Do treasure your new relationship!
"Love Ritual Testimonial, Success can be seen gradually

Testimonial from a friendly sis, felt more confident and self-esteem improve after using our Minyak Pengasih Maharaj
Testimonial from a sis who have been hitting high sales after using our Attraction Oil. Happy for you :)

Testimonial from a friendly bro who manage to communicate with his partner after 4 days of ghosting :) Happy for you bro
Love Reconciliation Testimonial Success

Another Testimonial seen huge improvements with her partner after using our Minyak Pengasih and performing Remote Attraction. Happy for you!
Testimonial from a sis who immediately saw improvements with her relationship with her husband.

Testimonial from a customer who have experienced positive results after using my Bulu Perindu Maharaj Oil. Ex boyfriend started to contact her back. Happy for you

Testimonial from a friendly bro who invited by Minyak Bulu Perindu Maharaj. See great improvements with his job, colleague and life. Thanks for your kind feedback bro

Testimonial from a steady regular customer after inciting my Bulu Perindu Maharaj Oil , landed a new job opportunity with good pay.

Testimonial from a sis wh got my Atrraction Oil after breaking up with her boyfriend. Her bf suddenly contacted her back after doing the remote attraction method. Wish you all the best!
Another testimonial from a friendly customer. Saw improvements with her interpersonal relationship immediately after using the oil. Happy for you :)

Testimonial from a sis. After using my Bulu Perindu Oil complemented it has helped with her career and even got promoted during CB. Happy for you!!

Testimonial from a sis whom her partner didn’t contact for so Long after using my Minyak Bulu Perindu Maharaj her partner contacted her out of the blue. Happy for you !

Testimonial from a sis experienced positive result of Minyak Bulu Perindu felt more confident and get good attention from people around. Pengasih Kuat!!

Testimonial from a bro who seen improvement with his career. Given increase pay and incentive. Congrats brother!
Testimonial from a friendly sis. Seen improvements after using Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu. Improvements in her workplace social life and more. Happy for you!!

Testimonial from a steady sis and good supporter. Bought my Minyak Pengasih bulu Perindu to improve her relationship, just in a few days seen great improvements. She even add on a love takrut afterwards to further enhance the power hehe
Testimonial from a bro who manage to reconcile back with his girlfriend after break up just within 2 days after using my Minyak Pengasih. Happy for you!

Testimonial from a bro who manage to reconcile with his girlfriend after 3 days of ignoring him, after using my Minyak Pengasih and doing the remote attraction method, seen good improvements within 3 days!
Testimonial from a bro who bought Bulu Perindu Oil to work things out with his partner. After using the remote attraction method they started seeing each other again. Happy for you

Testimonial from a friendly bro who tested the power of my Bulu Perindu

Testimonial from a sis customer who got Minyak Bulu Perindu. Can notice improvements with her attractiveness and overall aura and the way others treat her :)
Testimonial from a friendly sis who got my Love Oil mainly to attract a guy she’s dating who friendzoned her. After using for 2 week they got closer and more “romantic” :p

Testimonial from a friendly bro who got my Bulu Perindu Oil mainly for his work and career but end up getting extra attention from girls around :P Maha Saneh Mak Mak


Testimonial from a sis who bought my Bulu Perindu oil to try reconcile with her boyfriend suddenly ghosted her for 1 month+. 2nd day doing the remote attraction mantra her ex contacted her back. Happy to hear’.
Testimonial from a sis who bought Minyak Bulu Perindu after break up with her bf now after 4 days doing remote attraction (pelet jauh) her boyfriend contacted her saying miss her. Of course not a coincidence 😆

Feedback from a sis who met me last week. Wanted to buy Bulu Perindu oil for oneself but end up gave to her friend to try. Her friend was telling me that her husband lost feelings towards her and no more love but after using the oil suddenly become so loving! Awesome la!
Testimonial from a very steady bro customer who got my Bulu Perindu Oil + Geliga Lipan. Wanted to attract a girl at his workplace. Starting when meet up he told me she totally not interested in him apart from work but now her feelings even more. Huat Zai!!

Testimonial from a sis Super regular supporter of mine dunno buy how many bottle Liao. Get promoted in her job, husband relationship improved since the first time she used, everything going well for her! Thanks sis for intro friend
Bulu Perindu Love Oil Testimonial from a friendly bro who broke up with his girlfriend after 2 months of not contacting finally got back together in contact and things are going on the right track! Happy for you buddy!

Testimonial from a sis who purchased Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu not long ago. Despite not seeing each other for 1 month due to the covid-19, before that he bought for her nice bag and supported her financially and been very nice to her. Oil power Mak Mak!!
Testimonial from a sis who bought my Bulu Perindu Oil to year it for her date. Started seeing huge improvements with the way he’s treating her. Happy for you!

Testimonial from a sis who bought my Bulu Perindu Oil. Followed up with her and things got better with her and her bf. Patch back together and relationship improving. Happy for you
Testimonial from a friendly bro who purchased my Bulu Perindu oil to reconcile with his ex girlfriend after break up

Testimonial from a sis who successfully manage to work things out and hopefully manage to reconcile with her ex but seen great improvements after using my Bulu Perindu Love Oil
Testimonial from a sis who bought my Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu to attract her lover cum colleague. Previously he ghosted her and avoided her but after using the oil they became closer, this sis even bought a special love candle which I taught how to perform the ritual and now even closer and stuck to her 😂

Testimonial from a sis who bought my Bulu Perindu oil many months ago. At first hubby was totally ignoring her and not prioritizing her but now become possessive and scared she run away! Haha nice one sis
Testimonial from a sis who bought my Bulu Perindu oil to win the heart of her boyfriend after relationship become cold. Things worked out pretty well for her as she mentioned she even bought a special love candle (diy love ritual) from me to "extra" lock her boyfriend

"Within 2 days my ex contacted me back..."
Testimonial from a bro who broke up with his girlfriend. After trying so many stuff nothing seem to work, after using my Bulu Perindu his ex contact him back within 2 days. Jalan!
Testimonial from a friendly sis who I met few days back. Boyfriend showing less interest and starting to fade away so she invited my Bulu Perindu oil afterwards can see much difference in the way he treat her. *ps her boyfriend works at the same office as her. 

"My husband suddenly so loving..."
Testimonial from a very friendly sis who bought my Bulu Perindu oil yesterday immediately can see changes with her husband. Before that was having cold war when she first contacted me. Very good to hear!
"Now me and my ex boyfriend are in a process of patching back up..."
Testimonial from a loyal customer of mine. Bought my Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu to attract back her ex boyfriend after break up, now planning to patch back again. If I recall correctly she bought a week ago, happy to see it helped! 

"Suddenly he text me i miss you..."
Testimonial from a loyal customer of mine. Been supporting all the wealth item then suddenly wanted my Bulu Perindu oil because broke up with boyfriend... after using within few days boyfriend contacted her automatically saying he miss her. Wonderful
"My girlfriend also like no longer keep quarreling and seem more loving"
Testimonial from steady bro. Was having interpersonal relationship issues both at work and his love life recently this year. Since using my Bulu Perindu oil things have improved tremendously for him. Happy to hear 

Testimonial from a sis. This one abit special case. Have feelings for a guy, who also has feelings for her but alr have thai girlfriend. So wanted to use this oil to change his heart towards her. Slowly can see improvements within 1 day of using
Testimonial from a bro who use Bulu Perindu oil to attract a girl he like. Starting was friend zone but slowly he notice her feelings started growing and saying she miss him.. that's what Bulu Perindu is for, Perindu means to miss in Malay! 

"And it works so well, whatever I cakap she follows"  
Testimonial from a bro who used this oil after having problems with his mother in law, can't get along and agree with each other. After using can see much improvements!
"Now the way she talk to me like as tho she my girlfriend.."
Another testimonial from a friendly bro. Trying to woo one of his colleague, now become she sangkut to him Liao 

"Damn Work. He Legitly is Falling in love with me.."  
Testimonial from one of my most steady supporter. Usually she only buy those wealth luck item but recently after her new job she got my Bulu Perindu oil to attract her boss, end up things went what she wanted and now her boss fall in love with her ❤❤ happy for you!
"He seems so loving already.."
Testimonial from a friendly sis who used my Minyak Pengasih to improve her relationship with her husband. Was going through a rough time and lacking love / attention but have seen huge improvements since using my oil. Happy for you! 

"She just dumped the guy who was so called dating her n chasing her now.."
Testimonial from a friendly bro. Got this oil last week to try win back his ex girlfriend. Even after a break up while his ex had another guy,  One week later come back together again. Happy for you bro!
"She keep say she miss me..." 
Testimonial from a funny bro. Want to use this oil attract one girl he dating now the girl got feelings for him, he action play hard to get aiyo.. joking! Thanks for your feedback man !

"Things seemed to improve the next day.."
Testimonial from a friendly sis who almost broke up with her boyfriend because he started becoming cold and suspect having affair but she took a leap of faith and bought this oil after few days everything was back to normal again. Happy for u!
"Bro it worked, she did admit she was thinking of me.."
Testimonial from a bro who bought my Bulu Perindu oil to salvage his broken relationship. Previously was blocked and ignored after 1 week of using can see huge improvements now finally meeting and being together. Happy for you macha

"I am not attached to the girl whom i wish to win over.."
Testimonial from a bro whom I met recently, wanted to use this oil to attract a girl he really like but he told me a lot of “competitors” as many guys in her workplace chasing after her too. Fast forward 1 week later , messaged me saying they together attached. Awesome!
"My Boyfriend come back liao LOL..." 
Feedback from a sis. Successfully patch back with her boyfriend and reconcile together after getting my Bulu Perindu love oil. Congrats! Happy for you

"Alot of guys start to text me..."
Testimonial from a sis who bought this Bulu Perindu to work things out with her husband. Start to see improvements and also got some unnecessary attention from other guys haha.
"Shes clingy which she isnt the type.."
Testimonial from a nice guy who bought my Bulu Perindu oil to salvage his relationship with his girlfriend that has been going down. Things are improving a lot. Thanks for your feedback bro!

"My ex contact me back after 3 days.."
Testimonial from a bro who went through a break up finally got chance go work things out.
"He said he thought of me at night before he slept.."
Testimonial from a sis who bought this oil after finding out her husband might be having affair, before that her husband totally blocked her off but now slowly starting to talk to eachother. Not bad for a start!

"It is like a magnet for attraction. Dangerous..."
Testimonial from a good customer of mine experience extreme Maha Saneh
"My Promotion became successful which was held back for 3 yrs by hr..."
Normally I only share love reconciliation testimonial but this one deserves a spot. This bro working as air Steward. Got promoted, relationship improve and can see alot of positive changed. Feedback written wit his actual Carousell profile.

"My ex suddenly msg me again..."
Testimonial from a bro who is Gay broke up with his partner totally no contact after 2 weeks suddenly contacted him back. A good start :)

"Met one girl straight got action...."
Testimonial from a friendly bro whom I’ve met he used this oil to become playboy lol! At least he’s straight forward and honest! End of the day his karma, nothing to do with me :p

Testimonial from a Gay customer who broke up with his partner due to arguments and no longer in talking terms but after few days his Boyfriend contacted him randomly but that’s a good start because before that they were not contacting each other.

"Together again, but so much better than before.."
Testimonial from a friendly sis who broke up with her boyfriend and wanted to reconcile with him. Had a Long talk with her while explaining the usage and method of correctly doing it. One week later got a good news from her manage to patch back and his attitude also changed towards her. Happy to hear!

"My Boyfy contacted me back..."
Successful reconciliation testimonial. This lady broke up with her boyfriend few month ago and recently after getting this oil and doing the instructions that was given, few days later her BF contacted her back.
"He replying me back bit by bit..."
Improvement from a lady who wanted to attract back her ex Boyfriend after breaking up. Before this, her ex bf was ignoring her all the way. Now start talking again.

"He suddenly apologized to me lei.. after so many years..."
Testimonial from a friendly sis who’s Husband was very angry and told towards her. Saw improvements just few days after using my Minyak Pengasih
"Within less then 1 hr he suddenly said he keep missing me..."
Testimonial from a friendly sis who bought my Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu to help spice up her love life as she mentioned her boyfriend have lost feelings towards her but see improvements afterward.

"Can really see improvements with me and my wife..."
Testimonial from a friendly bro who purchased this oil because his marriage was becoming sour due to many arguments. Finally can see some improvements. Thanks for your kind feedback brother!

"My ex really contacted me back..."
TESTIMONIAL From a friendly bro who came all the way down to my place just to get this oil late at night despite staying super far away. Broke up with his girlfriend of 2 years and didnt contact eachother since. He tried talking to her but kena ignored. Eventually after getting my Minyak Bulu Perindu and following the instructions i gave him (taught by my master) can see improvements

"I was top sales on company road show..."

Testimonial from a sis who broke up with her ex girlfriend (who is a butch), have lost contact since but after getting the oil even before chanting the given mantra, the person already start tagging her on instagram which eventually lead to a conversion, which results in a good opportunity to patch things up.
Testimonial from a friendly bro who experienced the ATTRACTION & MAGNETISM POWER of Bulu Perindu, gaining attention from opposite sex. This is a result of his strong aura and charisma of confidence and sex appeal that the oil bestows.

"I can feel people are nicer to me and talk more to me..."
Feedback from a friendly sis who experience the strong attraction properties of this oil, can see improvements with her working colleague and well liked by her boss after using.

Testimonial from a bro who initially purchased this oil to make his ex-girlfriend who ghosted him to contact him so that they can have the opportunity to work things out. I remembered this bro telling me that he got blocked and has no means to keep in touch with her. After using this oil, the girl suddenly messaged him. Thats a good opportunity right there!.

Testimonial from a bro who purchased this oil to spice up his current relationship with his girlfriend. Can immediately see improvements! Now his girlfriend is more clingy towards him and seldom quarrel anymore. Glad to hear!
Testimonial from a bro who bought this oil - not for the purpose of attraction any opposite sex but for his own use to improve his charisma and dispel negative vibes. Can see improvements after using it.

Testimonial from a bro who was dating a lady who he really like, the oil works the way its suppose to - to make a person keeps thinking of you and miss you. Take a look at his conversation. The lady say she keep thinking of hm and miss him! Haha. Thats why its called Bulu "Perindu", Rindu meaning Miss in Malay!
Testimonial from a bro who used this oil as his boss is a lady and wanted his boss to like him. Improvements can be seen within short period. Glad to hear bro!

Testimonial from a friendly bro who manage to get his ex-girlfriend whom they have broke up for more than a week (who have also blocked him and ignored his text / calls). This bro even more power, hevent even do the Remote Attraction Method that i normally teach my customers, he simply applied the oil and thought of her automatically his ex girlfriend contact him liao.
Testimonial from a friendly sis who bought this oil to improve her workplace relationship. Day by day getting more confidence and positive, even randomly attract guys who she have not talked to in ages. Getting guys contact her randomly :P

This one even more power, complain too many people looking at him LOL. What to do?

This one special case. This bro who is married to a lady was on the verge of divorce and his wife was having an affair with another guy. For the past many months they are not talking and cold towards eachother. While his wife was on a business trip, he contacted me to get this oil and did the Remote Attraction Method that i taught him, eventually his wife started messaging him from overseas saying she miss him, miss seeing him and keep thinking of him. The guy Whatsapp me saying his wife going crazy.

Testimonial from a bro who used this oil and got pay raise + promotion + CFO Position opportunity! Huat huat bro wish you all the best!

Testimonial from a friendly bro who i have met and spent hours chit chatting with him. After getting this oil, immediately can see improvements with his family, business and attracting clients. Way to go buddy!


Love Root Rajah Pengasih King of all Attraction Oil, “Hardcore” Version

One of the most powerful Minyak Pengasih for Charm, Attraction, Relationship, and Reconciliation.

This special batch of Buluh Perindu Love Root Minyak Pengasih made together with some of the most sacred and powerful shamanic ingredients combined. As we know, the power of any attraction oil is highly dependant on what is inside, this oil contains
- 7 Pair of male + female Bulu Perindu Keramat, Dayak Empowered - Akar Cenuai King of Charm Roots (Rare) - Buluh Chendrawasih (Birds of Paradise Feathers) for strong aura and charisma - Holy ash from Moses Mountain (Nabi Musa) Mt. Sinai - Sacred Dugong Tears / Air Mata Duyong / Mermaid Tears - Rambut Bunian (Elves root obtained through special rituals) - 24k Pure Gold Flakes (Serbuk Emas) for vibrant aura and charm - Mani Gajah Lampung for charisma, authority & strong pheromone - Oil extract from 7 different flowers and 9 different sacred herbs. - hand written Takrut with Javanese pelet mantra Strongly consecrated and blessed by my master using the highest level of ilmu pengasih for 49 nights at 3 different nature location in Kalimantan, East Java. INTRODUCTION

Bulu Perindu, also known as the "Root of Longing" or "Love Root" is known to be one of the most mystical roots and a powerful attraction tool in Indonesia and Malaysia because of its mysterious ability to move by its own when touches water ; and when placed together as a pair (male + female) it will naturally draw itself and twirl around each other. Because of this strange phenomenon, Bulu Perindu is widely believed amongst the shamanic community to possess high elemental energy associated with the power of attraction, magnetism, and fascination hence being used often to create "Attraction Oils".

Take a look at this video demonstrating the power of Bulu Perindu; male and female moving towards each other on its own. This is the reason why its called Root of Longing

Bulu Perindu is very rare and can only be obtained by a highly skilled shaman deep in the mountains of Kalimantan. This root has always been the number 1 choice for "bomohs" when it comes to creating love charms and attraction oils because of the magical properties of attraction and magnetism that assist the user with personal charisma, appear more attractive, opposite sex attraction and can also help to awaken your sexual appeal and enhance your beauty or aura in a natural way when applied onto key points of the face. This will make others who look at you find you more appealing and attractive.

The term "Perindu" littery translates to "To miss" or "Longing For", backed by popular beliefs that by using Bulu Perindu, it will help create a long lasting and unforgettable presence to those who interact with you especially someone of the opposite sex. In the case for those who may use it to find a love partner, this may allow the other party to keep thinking of you and "miss" you, naturally making the person's feeling grow fonder towards you over time. For those who are using it for courtship, bulu perindu can help create loving chemistry between you and the desired person.

You may also use it to attract/enchant the desired person simply by smearing the oil onto that target through touch or handshake. This method is believed to make the affected party keep thinking if you all the time, MISS “rindu” you and always feel eager to be with you. This same method can also be used towards clients/customers when about to discuss business or doing sales to make the person who positive towards your promotion and proposal.

There is also a special method to remotely / telepathically attract a desired person or ex-lover though recitation / photograph that you may request to be taught upon purchase.

In General, this Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu may help with love attraction, strengthen existing relationship between BGF / Marriage as well as enhance your social skill, boost your confidence and self esteem level in everyday life at work. It may also help you to gain popularity and be admired or well liked by everyone around. Bulu Perindu Oil may also give you an upper hand advantage when dealing with clients, doing sales and business negotiations as it allows you to gain trust, good impression and make your client be more responsive towards your suggestions.

Bulu Perindu has been used throughout centuries by normal laymen but first became popular among singers who would place the root in their mouth when they sing in order to gain popularity among their audience as their fans will always miss their voice and long for their music hence end up buying their album. Until today, Bulu Perindu has been widely used and sought after by normal people who believe in its ability and power.

One can use this oil for any purpose, simply just visualize (niat) the effect you want before applying and it will naturally work according to your intentions

It is highly recommended to apply the oil daily as the energies in the oil will settle in your aura and boost your personal magnetism so even when you don't apply the oil, its energy will still be with your aura and you will get some of its effects still.

Magical beliefs of Bulu Perindu • Amazingly powerful enchanting presence. • Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex • Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness • Create a lasting unforgettable experience in the minds of those who you interact with and make your targeted person miss your presence. • Possess a high level of charming aura and popularity among others. • Remote Attraction through chanting mantra • Able to be well liked and admired by everyone easily • Gain a high level of popularity & fame • Easily gain favors and sympathy from others • Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking • Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you • Make others listen to you and do as you say • Winning in any Negotiations • Able to attract customers/clients and easily close deals • Possess a strong sense of self-confident and high in self-esteem • Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition Many more. --------------------------------------------------------------- This oil is 100% natural. Hidden elemental energies of the Bulu Perindu together with the other sacred ingredients gives the oil its power. This oil does not contain any spirit or entities that will assist. The stories surrounding this love-grass are intriguing, to say the least. Once a person using this oil dabs/transfers it by means of touch/handshake etc to another person, that person will be charmed/fascinated by the user. There, of course, have been cases of misuse but it is so below the radar that many spiritual masters/experts cannot even detect the use of this item to charm another. The love-grass has unique qualities as when it is immersed in water it begins to turn clockwise or wriggle. When exposed to incense smoke it moves. For those who are sensitive enough they will be able to see a greenish white aura that is released by this oil when placed on the eyebrow. Proper method of usage will be taught upon purchase. Will personally deliver to you.