Minyak Pengasih Panglima *Powerful Dayak Attraction Oil* High Level : Special Batch of Minyak Ghoib Believed to Bestow all Properties in terms of Attraction, Authority, Dominance, Protection, Spiritual Cleansing & Many More.
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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dayak. Sort by date Show all posts
Monday, June 7, 2021
Minyak Pengasih Panglima *Powerful Dayak Attraction Oil* High Level : Special Batch of Minyak Ghoib Believed to Bestow all Properties in terms of Attraction, Authority, Dominance, Protection, Spiritual Cleansing & Many More.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Minyak Raja Pengasih Bulu Perindu
King of all Attraction Oils
This batch is known as Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu NAGA EMAS , Sengat Pemikat (Sting of Love) , made and empowered using the highest Ilmu of Khodam Naga Emas of Javanese Magic. Naga Emas is considered to be the most highest form of Love Charm in Occult sense and it requires a high level of knowledge to create this.
Well many may ask me , if my $188 version powerful enough already why need this batch? Answer is, this is for people who understands the significance of each and every ingredients that are used for this oil to make it extremely powerful in terms of attraction. If you are just looking for “effects” , then the $188 version is good enough. But if you are looking to own the best of the best in terms of every detail, then this is the one.
Well many may ask me , if my $188 version powerful enough already why need this batch? Answer is, this is for people who understands the significance of each and every ingredients that are used for this oil to make it extremely powerful in terms of attraction. If you are just looking for “effects” , then the $188 version is good enough. But if you are looking to own the best of the best in terms of every detail, then this is the one.
Made and strongly blessed for 49 days at 3 different nature location. Made using not one but a few different combination of some of the most POWERFUL Attraction Ingredients combined together, hence the name "Hardcore"
Apart from usual ingredient (listed below), additional ingredients were added to further enhance and amplify its attraction and magnetism Properties..
- 7 Pair of male + female Bulu Perindu Keramat, Dayak Empowered
- Akar Cenuai King of Charm Roots (Rare)
- Buluh Chendrawasih (Birds of Paradise Feathers) for strong aura and charisma
- Holy ash from Moses Mountain (Nabi Musa) Mt. Sinai
- Sacred Dugong Tears / Air Mata Duyong / Mermaid Tears
- Rambut Bunian (Elves root obtained through special rituals)
- 24k Pure Gold Flakes (Serbuk Emas) for vibrant aura and charm
- Mani Gajah Lampung for charisma, authority & strong pheromone
- Oil extract from 7 different flowers and 9 different sacred herbs.
- hand written Takrut with Javanese pelet mantra
- (EXTRA) Kulit Rajah Kijang Putih , Minyak Naga Emas Oil extract , Akar Cenuai Emas, Minyak Zaffron Merah, Minyak Pemaisuri Malam, Oil extract from BAMBOO PERINDU, Dayak Empowered enchantment love Root oil and many other ingredients that cannot be named.
This batch took my master nearly a year to create as it takes a lot of time to source out for the ingredients needed. Please read further for more information and properties of what this oil does.
INTRODUCTION Bulu Perindu, also known as the "Root of Longing" or "Love Root" is known to be one of the most mystical roots and a powerful attraction tool in Indonesia and Malaysia because of its mysterious ability to move by its own when touches water ; and when placed together as a pair (male + female) it will naturally draw itself and twirl around each other. Because of this strange phenomenon, Bulu Perindu is widely believed amongst the shamanic community to possess high elemental energy associated with the power of attraction, magnetism, and fascination hence being used often to create "Attraction Oils". Take a look at this video demonstrating the power of Bulu Perindu; male and female moving towards each other on its own. This is the reason why its called Root of Longing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mfSI_bBnEM Bulu Perindu is very rare and can only be obtained by a highly skilled shaman deep in the mountains of Kalimantan. This root has always been the number 1 choice for "bomohs" when it comes to creating love charms and attraction oils because of the magical properties of attraction and magnetism that assist the user with personal charisma, appear more attractive, opposite sex attraction and can also help to awaken your sexual appeal and enhance your beauty or aura in a natural way when applied onto key points of the face. This will make others who look at you find you more appealing and attractive. The term "Perindu" littery translates to "To miss" or "Longing For", backed by popular beliefs that by using Bulu Perindu, it will help create a long lasting and unforgettable presence to those who interact with you especially someone of the opposite sex. In the case for those who may use it to find a love partner, this may allow the other party to keep thinking of you and "miss" you, naturally making the person's feeling grow fonder towards you over time. For those who are using it for courtship, bulu perindu can help create loving chemistry between you and the desired person or make your partner more faithful and loving towards you. You may also use it to attract/enchant the desired person simply by smearing the oil onto that target through touch or handshake. This method is believed to make the affected party keep thinking if you all the time, MISS “rindu” you and always feel eager to be with you. This same method can also be used towards clients/customers when about to discuss business or doing sales to make the person who positive towards your promotion and proposal. There is also a special method to remotely / telepathically attract a desired person or ex-lover though recitation / photograph that you may request to be taught upon purchase. In General, this Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu may help with love attraction, strengthen existing relationship between BGF / Marriage by making your partner more faithful and attached to you. For individual use, it may help to enhance your social skill, boost your confidence and self esteem level in everyday life at work. It may also help you to gain popularity and be admired or well liked by everyone around. Bulu Perindu Oil may also give you an upper hand advantage when dealing with clients, doing sales and business negotiations as it allows you to gain trust, good impression and make your client be more responsive towards your suggestions. Bulu Perindu has been used throughout centuries by normal laymen but first became popular among singers who would place the root in their mouth when they sing in order to gain popularity among their audience as their fans will always miss their voice and long for their music hence end up buying their album. Until today, Bulu Perindu has been widely used and sought after by normal people who believe in its ability and power. One can use this oil for any purpose, simply just visualize (niat) the effect you want before applying and it will naturally work according to your intentions. It is highly recommended to apply the oil daily as the energies in the oil will settle in your aura and boost your personal magnetism so even when you don't apply the oil, its energy will still be with your aura and you will get some of its effects still. Magical beliefs of Bulu Perindu • Amazingly powerful enchanting presence. • Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex • Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness • Create a lasting unforgettable experience in the minds of those who you interact with and make your targeted person miss your presence. • Improves Relationship / Marriage , dissolve disharmoy, strengthen bond, promotes higher love chemistry and make your partner more faithful towards you. • Possess a high level of charming aura and popularity among others. • Remote Attraction through chanting mantra • Able to be well liked and admired by everyone easily • Gain a high level of popularity & fame • Easily gain favors and sympathy from others • Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking • Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you • Make others listen to you and do as you say • Winning in any Negotiations • Able to attract customers/clients and easily close deals • Possess a strong sense of self-confident and high in self-esteem • Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition Many more. --------------------------------------------------------------- This oil is 100% natural. Hidden elemental energies of the Bulu Perindu together with the other sacred ingredients gives the oil its power. This oil does not contain any spirit or entities that will assist. The stories surrounding this love-grass are intriguing, to say the least. Once a person using this oil dabs/transfers it by means of touch/handshake etc to another person, that person will be charmed/fascinated by the user. There, of course, have been cases of misuse but it is so below the radar that many spiritual masters/experts cannot even detect the use of this item to charm another. The love-grass has unique qualities as when it is immersed in water it begins to turn clockwise or wriggle. When exposed to incense smoke it moves. For those who are sensitive enough they will be able to see a greenish white aura that is released by this oil when placed on the eyebrow. Proper method of usage will be taught upon purchase. Will personally deliver to you.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
HARDCORE Love Attraction Oil - King of Attraction Rajah Pengasih Bulu Perindu
Minyak Raja Pengasih Bulu Perindu
King of all Attraction Oils
Best Selling Minyak Pengasih "Love Attraction Oil" with tons of positive feedbacks. Some are shared via text, most are written openly among by 500+ Positive Review on my CAROUSELL
Specially Made To ENHANCE YOUR ATTRACTIVENESS, Mend Broken Relationship & Reconciliation
We only advice that one should use this oil with a good purpose and not to misuse it with ill intentions like attracting someone else's spouse or making use of others. This oil is extremely powerful but the Law of Karma is inevitable!
Made and strongly blessed for 49 days at 3 different nature location. Made using not one but a few different combination of some of the most POWERFUL Attraction Ingredients combined together, hence the name "Hardcore"

Bulu Perindu, also known as the "Root of Longing" or "Love Root" is known to be one of the most mystical roots and a powerful attraction tool in Indonesia and Malaysia because of its mysterious ability to move by its own when touches water ; and when placed together as a pair (male + female) it will naturally draw itself and twirl around each other. Because of this strange phenomenon, Bulu Perindu is widely believed amongst the shamanic community to possess high elemental energy associated with the power of attraction, magnetism, and fascination hence being used often to create "Attraction Oils". Take a look in the video below demonstrating the Magnetism Power of Bulu Perindu when placing both male and female together, it naturally draws itself towards eachother and twirl around one another
Bulu Perindu is very rare and can only be obtained by a highly skilled shaman (bomoh) deep in the mountains of Kalimantan. This root has always been the number 1 choice for "bomohs" when it comes to creating love charms and attraction oils because of the magical properties of attraction and magnetism that assist the user with personal charisma, appear more attractive, opposite sex attraction and can also help to awaken your sexual appeal and enhance your beauty or aura in a natural way when applied onto key points of the face. This will make others who look at you find you more appealing and attractive.
The term "Perindu" literally translates to "To miss" or "Longing For", backed by popular beliefs that by using Bulu Perindu, it will help create a long lasting and unforgettable presence to those who interact with you especially someone of the opposite sex. In the case for those who may use it to find a love partner, this may allow the other party to keep thinking of you and "miss" you, naturally making the person's feeling grow fonder towards you over time. For those who are using it for courtship, bulu perindu can help create loving chemistry between you and the desired person.
One of the reason why i receive tons of good feedbacks for my Bulu Perindu Love oil is because my master (maker of this oil) taught me a special method for remote attraction, which i will share with my customers who may use it to telepathically attract a desired person / ex-lover etc through recitation of mantra together with the targeted person's photograph. This method has been proven to be very effective with many success testimonials.
You may also use it to attract/enchant the desired person simply by smearing the oil onto that target through touch or handshake. This method is believed to make the affected party keep thinking if you all the time, MISS “rindu” you and always feel eager to be with you. This same method can also be used towards clients/customers when about to discuss business or doing sales to make the person who positive towards your promotion and proposal.
This special batch of Buluh Perindu Love Root Minyak Pengasih made together with some of the most sacred and powerful shamanic ingredients combined. As we know, the power of any attraction oil is highly dependant on what is inside, this oil contains
1) 7 Pair of male + female Bulu Perindu Keramat, Dayak Empowered2) Akar Cenuai King of Charm Roots (Rare) 3) Buluh Chendrawasih (Birds of Paradise Feathers) for strong aura and charisma4) Holy ash from Moses Mountain (Nabi Musa) Mt. Sinai 5) Oil extract from 7 different flowers and 9 different sacred herbs.
6) Sacred Dugong Tears / Air Mata Duyong / Mermaid Tears7) Rambut Bunian (Elves root obtained through special rituals)8) 24k Pure Gold Flakes (Serbuk Emas) for vibrant aura and charm
Mani Gajah Lampung for charisma, authority & strong pheromone9) Dand written Takrut with Javanese pelet mantra
Every batch of charm oil i receive from my master will be properly consecrated, blessed and empowered using the highest level of Ilmu Pengasih (Love Spell) for 49 nights at 3 different nature location in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
• Create a lasting unforgettable experience in the minds of those who you interact
with and make your targeted person miss your presence.
• Amazingly powerful enchanting presence.
• Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex
• Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness
• Possess a high level of charming aura and popularity among others.
• Remote Attraction through chanting mantra
• Gain a high level of popularity & fame
• Able to be well liked and admired by everyone easily
• Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you
• Easily gain favors and sympathy from others
• Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking
• Make others listen to you and do as you say
• Winning in any Negotiations
• Able to attract customers/clients and easily close deals
• Possess a strong sense of self-confident and high in self-esteem
• Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition
Many more.
with and make your targeted person miss your presence.
• Amazingly powerful enchanting presence.
• Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex
• Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness
• Possess a high level of charming aura and popularity among others.
• Remote Attraction through chanting mantra
• Gain a high level of popularity & fame
• Able to be well liked and admired by everyone easily
• Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you
• Easily gain favors and sympathy from others
• Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking
• Make others listen to you and do as you say
• Winning in any Negotiations
• Able to attract customers/clients and easily close deals
• Possess a strong sense of self-confident and high in self-esteem
• Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition
Many more.
In General, this Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu may help with love attraction, strengthen existing relationship between BGF / Marriage as well as enhance your social skill, boost your confidence and self esteem level in everyday life at work. It may also help you to gain popularity and be admired or well liked by everyone around. Bulu Perindu Oil may also give you an upper hand advantage when dealing with clients, doing sales and business negotiations as it allows you to gain trust, good impression and make your client be more responsive towards your suggestions.
Bulu Perindu has been used throughout centuries by normal laymen but first became popular among singers who would place the root in their mouth when they sing in order to gain popularity among their audience as their fans will always miss their voice and long for their music hence end up buying their album. Until today, Bulu Perindu has been widely used and sought after by normal people who believe in its ability and power.
One can use this oil for any purpose, simply just visualize (niat) the effect you want before applying and it will naturally work according to your intentions
It is highly recommended to apply the oil daily as the energies in the oil will settle in your aura and boost your personal magnetism so even when you don't apply the oil, its energy will still be with your aura and you will get some of its effects still.
--------------------------------------------------------------- This oil is 100% natural. Hidden elemental energies of the Bulu Perindu together with the other sacred ingredients gives the oil its power. This oil does not contain any spirit or entities that will assist. The stories surrounding this love-grass are intriguing, to say the least. Once a person using this oil dabs/transfers it by means of touch/handshake etc to another person, that person will be charmed/fascinated by the user. There, of course, have been cases of misuse but it is so below the radar that many spiritual masters/experts cannot even detect the use of this item to charm another. The love-grass has unique qualities as when it is immersed in water it begins to turn clockwise or wriggle. When exposed to incense smoke it moves. For those who are sensitive enough they will be able to see a greenish white aura that is released by this oil when placed on the eyebrow.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Love Binding Ritual / Reconciliation Ritual Services Javanese Kejawen Way / Dukun
❤️Love Pelet Ritual Love Binding TANTRA Kejawen Ritual (Javanese Love Binding Pelet Ritual) Done by our Guru (Dukun) - Believed to Salvage Broken Relationships & Love Binding
This is one of the most sought after and requested service that we have been provided for many years for our clients who are facing problems with their Love Life, Marriage or Relationships. One of our Guru's specialties is to help estranged couples and broken relationships.
👍 High Success Rate & Improvements based on many reviews/experiences within days. Those who have been with us throughout the years, know that we use to offer this service behind closed doors due to time constrain. However, Due to overwhelming demand from our customers and with much positive feedback, we have decided to reintroduce this special service for those who seek our guru's expertise.
.💕🌹Relationship “Pelet” Reconciliation Tantra believed to Salvage Relationship/ Marriage 💕 🌹
If you are having problems with your marriage or love life,
If you are having frequent quarrels or disagreements with the one you love,
Just went through a break up and have tried every means to salvage it but failed,
Or if you’re simply having trouble connecting with that special someone you’ve always yearned for..
People who perform such rituals since the olden days often have one objective in mind. To make their partner remain faithful and loyal to you. For those who want to salvage their broken relationship, to bind the heart and mind of someone you love towards you or for those who are facing third party involvements in the relationship
Our Guru (Dukun) have been performing such a love ritual pelet for more than 30 years.
Below are some examples of the videos being sent to our clients. Those videos are short clips of a long and tedious process that takes hours to complete.
Below are some MOST RECENT TESTIMONIALS shared by our clients. We have more than a hundred Successful Testimonials like this but we only update/share the most recent because we want this page to be information-focused, rather than flooded with testimonials. If time permits, we will create a new section only for testimonials, and we have many alreadyt embedded within our 1400+ Positive Reviews in Carousell.
Below are examples of the Love Rituals being performed by our Guru.
❗️❗️Strictly NO Black Magic/Witchcraft/Spirit/Khodam/Jinn Involved.
A real Love Ritual when done properly, involves Mantras and requires many elaborate procedures, sacred objects, or offerings like what you see above.
Unlike ordinary Ustad/Holyman who only uses mere prayers, our guru uses actual Ilmu Batin & Tantra instead of mediocre "doas" or "zikir", because Doa is for praying to god, while MANTRAS & Ritualistic Procedures are more formal and known to be more DASHYAT (POWERFUL), FAST & EFFICIENT when it comes to rituals like this to fulfill the client's objective.
The objects and steps in the ritual are merely customary and symbolic, each signifies a specific intent and purpose. Our guru does not and certainly don't need to use spirits/jinn/malevolent khodam, thus one need not worry about any backfire or karmic repercussions. This is done only using pure white way or Ilmu Kejawen Putih.
Below is an example of the "burial process" that we mentioned in our Carousell listing. The photo of two parties, along with various sacred/holy objects added inside a special vial will then be buried at a sacred location (Not Cemetery or any "dirty place")
This process is necessary as part of the "locking" & Love Binding Process. Many of these objects and steps have their own spiritual significance and purpose. No Backfire, No Karmic Repercussions.
This process is believed to bind two person together and is believed to make the other target feel impossible to leave the person. It is also believed to call back a ex-lover or to fully secure or “KUNCI or LOCK” a Relationship. Although there are many other process.
Love rituals / Love Binding Tantras like this, also known as "Pelet Gambar" or "Pelet Jarak Jauh" (Remote Attraction) is an ancient, traditional & Tantric ritual that is well known among every shamanic community.
However, Indonesian/Javanese ones are widely known to be the most powerful among all due to their history, culture, and spiritual practices. There is no doubt about the knowledge and capability of our Guru as many can already be seen in our thousands of reviews for all our Wealth Items, Attraction Oils etc.
Many already know that we work with a
few different gurus/spiritual masters from varying religious backgrounds
and occult practices all around the world. We work with Kejawen
Javanese Shamans, Orang Asli/Orang Dayak from Kalimantan as well as an
Islamic Guru from Bandung who is highly respected and has his own
Padepokan/Pesantren (Religious Organization) in Indonesia as well as
Masters from India and Thailand. Each has its own strength and
Our Guru is very well versed in ILMU
KEBATINAN KEJAWEN (Hindu/Buddhist) Occult Practices of Javanese
Mysticism as well as the Islamic Spiritual Practices of AL HIKMAH. That
explains why we have items that are Islamic by nature and some are
mixtures of different cultures or religions. As a spiritual guru, he
uses his knowledge and expertise where he deems fit and necessary to
help our clients. Our guru has helped many customers regardless of their
religious backgrounds. He is an expert and master in spiritual
practices as well and has helped many of our customers who seek his
expertise in career, business, and personal matters as well such as
improving one's aura, luck, wealth, and opportunities.
In the images below, are examples of how we follow up with our clients after the first step of the ritual is done. We will send photo/video proof (unmuted) and our clients can hear the mantras being recited, along with their name and target's name.
Note that we have hundreds of clients who have engaged our service over the years, only recently we have made it "official" and due to changing phones, we have lost many videos/pictures like this. These are NOT Testimonial, but an authentication. We do have many testimonials over the years, mostly are embedded within our 1400+ Positive Reviews on Carousell, from customers who vouch for our products, services and our guru's expertise.
In this page below, you can see many examples of how we communicate with our clients as well. Our guru have performed hundreds of such rituals over many, below are just some examples.
❗️❗️Strictly NO Black Magic/Witchcraft Involved. This is a "ritual", not a mere prayer. What you see in the videos/pictures is what a real ritual looks like which involves Mantras and elaborate steps, ritualistic objects, and offerings done by a real Kejawen Guru. Unlike ordinary Ustad/Holyman, our guru does not use typical "doa" or "zikir", but actual ilmu batin (spiritual knowledge), mantras & tantras. Our guru does not use mere "Doa" because Doa is for praying to god, while MANTRA is more of spiritual practice and using Tenaga Batin (Spiritual Energy) and ritualistic steps to get the job done. Mantras are said to be more "dashyat" (POWERFUL), EFFICIENT and FAST as opposed to typical "doa zikir". NO Backfire, NO Karmic Precautions.
This Love Binding Ritual is believed to possibly enchant the heart and mind of someone you love to its maximum potential for a long lasting and happy relationship. This ritual is also believed to be able to call back an ex lover.
This ritual is not to be misused simply especially towards someone you “just met”. Do not do it on impulse. Take your time to consider if that person is really the right one for you before you proceed. This is a service that we have been providing for many years that have shown to be highly successful. However, this service comes with a condition that the person has no ill intention towards the other party or intends to misuse our abilities. Any ill-intent to exploit our guru's ability to indulge in anything immoral will automatically disqualify a person from this service.
Mahar is set based on the time and effort required to work on it. No additional no matter what.

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